Here at Bliss we still have blooms outside, not the plethora like we had for such a long time, but still enough for a show and tell. And at this time of year I enjoy hunting for blooms in my garden as you are bound to find at least one or two surprise blooms which is such fun.
In bloom in the kitchen garden:

- basil
- fennel
- borage

- Cerinthe
- Oenothera glaziouana
- Periwinkle

- Solanum crispum is still flowering its little heart out.

In my new borders:
- Verbena bonariensis is still putting up some flowers
- the Dahlias have a few flowers left

In the border around my walnut tree I stumbled upon another surprise bloom;
- Japanese Anemones, I thought they had finished flowering a few weeks ago but no, I found 2 more flowers today.

In pots:
- some pink Verbena
- this one I've forgotten the name of , but it is still flowering away with gay abandon

- blue Lobelia

- Pansies in white, blue, yellow and burgundy.

The South borders:
- Lavatera, that has been flowering for months and months now

- Centranthus ruber
- yellow Wallflowers, another surprise bloom from my garden

- pink Spirea

- and of course ........Sedum!

The front garden:

- Rosa Madame Alfred Carriere, with still a few blooms
- Rosa Sombreuil, the last blooms of this year, I think

- lilac Asters (the last blooms)

Today is a special day for me as it is my mother's birthday. She is 78 now. Happy birthday Mum!

And I'll leave you with a pic of that most fantastic rose Moonlight that is even now putting out some new buds, unbelievable!

If a plant bores you, something must be done about it. The simplest course, if it belongs to you, is to throw it out. If it is someone else's, look the other way. If it belongs to someone you rather dislike anyway, don't be ashamed to let it confirm you in an inclusive repulsion.
Christopher Lloyd (who else?)
What a nice lot of blooms you have Yolanda. I especially like your volunteer in the compost bin and the roses.
Happy Birthday to your Mum...
Ah, the lovely camellia. In the U.S. we think of camellia as the epitome of the Old South, so it seems a little strange, yet delightful, to see one blooming in your garden so far away. Of course, I realize they originated even farther away.
You still have quite a lot in bloom, as I do. The Netherlands must be temperate indeed, despite its latitude.
Ah, a glorious abundance for so late in the growing season. You really have to admire the tenacity of those nasturtiums, in particular. Your kitty photos are incredibly endearing, too. How rich your life must be with all those lovely faces to admire!
Somehow we expected you'd still have lots of flowers, Yolana Elizabet - your garden never disappoints.
It's interesting to see that you plant pansies as winter annuals, too.
Happy Birthday to your mother - if she's also a gardener, bet she loves your blog!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
ENjoyed my tour, as usual. I too enjoyed the compost volunteers. But what really caught my eye wa that white fuchsia. Gorgeous!
You still have a lot of fresh-looking flowers. I love the Dahlia - is it 1 of the Bishop series?
Happy Birthday to your mum! The flowers were beautiful.
I am amazed by how many plants you still have in bloom. The Centranthus ruber is lovely - I wish I could grow it. I loved the idea of coming across some blooms on your Japanese Anemone.
The pink Camellia is beautiful.
We must figure out what your equivalent USDA hardiness zone is! It certainly appears as though winter is still a long way off in your garden! It's beautiful as always.
Carol at May Dreams Gardens
I'm always awed by your bloom day lists! It looks like a plethora to me ;-)
Happy Birthday to your mother!
You certainly have more flowers than we do. I love the rose with the beautiful dark stems and the Camellia is quite lovely.
Your garden refuses to accept that winter is coming. Good show
Lovely set of plants and flowers
What an amazing floral fiesta you're still enjoying, Yolanda Elizabet! It could be high summer there, to see all the rich colours. A very happy birthday to your dear mother--love your choice of flowers for her!
Gorgeous, Yolanda Elizabet! I especially love that white rose and the lovely white fuchsia... and Christo quotes are always enjoyable as well. He mostly makes me chuckle. :)
You have a lot of flowers in bloom right now. I took a walk in the garden yesterday and couldn't hardly find anything. We have winter now!
The hardy white Fuchsia is really pretty! Do you have a name? I would like to try to find it here as well... :)
Nice pics! Have a great weekend!
Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. This is my first visit to your beautiful garden. I especially liked the Centranthus ruber - appears so delicate. You grow so many varieties I never see here in Florida so it is very fun to read about your blooms.
Het is dat je aan de andere kant van het land woont anders kwam ik vanmiddag nog een stekkie van je witte Fucsia bietsen :-))
Een dag te laat maar nog de beste wensen voor je moeder.
Leuk nog al dat bloeiende spul-- je hebt er nu nog meer van dan menige andere tuin in zomer..;-)) De plant van Piet lijkt op een Galega of een Agastache...moeilijk te zien op een foto. En natuurlijk nog van harte gefeiciteerd met je moeder :-)
OT Heb natuurlijk dat heerlijke verhaal van je gelezen over de stiletto-boom! Had Archie zijn jasje maar gelijk in de wastobbe gedaan- dat was een goede daad geweest..;-)En wanstaltige prehistorische gruwel vind ik een geweldige omschrijving..:-))) (het ergste is dat ik na mijn logje nu voortdurend op WPG's let en terwijl ik door straten rijd, ben ik ze aan het tellen...arrgggh ;-(((
Wow Yolanda, you sure have lots of blooms still going! Don't you just love how plants carry on in the composter? And the roses! That's what I like about Bloom Day...gets you looking for blooms that you otherwise may not notice.
Despite everyone drooling over the southern gardens the GBBD, I'm pretty sure you have far more flowers in bloom than I do right now. What variety! I love the white fuchsias. My nasturtiums have just come up but I don't have any flowers yet. This is my first year to grow them but I get all excited seeing yours.
Wonderful tour of your November blooms at Bliss. If my memory is correct you have about 293 growing days, 93 more than we do here and your climate is much like that of England with ample rainfall and not so much sunshine.
I visited a few gardens of friends when I was in Amsterdam and their rose gardens were particularly outstanding.
I came back home with a lot of inspiration from the Dutch gardens.
YE: Great abundance as usual and guess what? Your Mum and mine share the same birthday! Happy belated to yours! Mine is 84!
In your garden there is still going on... so many blooms... yeah.
It was very cold this week in Poland. frost killed most of the late blooms.
I like your blog a lot and visiting it sometimes. Do you mind if I link you?
Bei Dir blüht ja wirklich noch so einiges im Garten. Ganz so ist es leider nicht mehr bei uns. Morgen werde ich mal raus gehen, um zu schauen. Brrr, bei diesem hässlichen feucht-grauen Wetter.
Schönen Sonntag und liebe Grüße,
I am just getting around to seeing your GBBD post and I'm so impressed with your plethora of November blooms. Wow! You are still surrounded by blissful beauty. Enjoy while it lasts, it'll be gone too soon.
Though it is November, the month where most of the flowers have already faded, you still have a lot of blooming colour spots! Wonderful for you! I'm sure you enjoy it....and we do it too, when seeing your lovely pictures!
Regards from Switzerland,
Zo hee......er zijn nog veel bloemetjes te zien bij jou. Hier was een clematis weer helemaal opnieuw begonnen met knoppen en bloemen maken maar ik denk dat ie vannacht toch een knak heeft gekregen met dat vriezen.
Groetjes Marga
Hi there, Yolanda :-)
That’s quite a collection of flowers you have!
My Japanese Anemones have surprised me with some new flowers on young plants too. I love the hardy white fuchsia (I don’t usually like fuchsia) and I think out of all the plants in your garden I think Rosa Moonlight has to come out on top. If I were to add another rose to my garden I would definitely consider it :-D
Hope you had a good weekend :-D
Goodness, you always have such lovely pictures! I'm not sure there's anything blooming in my garden now, but I'm inspired to see!
~Angela :-)
Your garden still looks beautiful with so much to see.
How wonderful. You must be a great gardener to keep so many flowers alive for so long.
Bei mir blüht nicht mehr so viel wie bei dir, der Schnee hat sein übriges getan.
Heute habe ich Kränze gemacht, es war richtig entspannend und ich werde es bald wieder tun.
A profusion of lovely blooms, even in November! You are some magician or a real 'Green thumb' dear Yolanda.
It is always a blissful, at times enviable, feeling to see the blooms at Bliss, and this time they all seem happier than ever, maybe to celebrate your Mum's Birthday!
Liebe Yolanda,
hast Du vielleicht auch Lust, aus der grauen November-Lethargie gerissen zu werden. Schau in meinen Blog. Vielleicht hast Du ja auch Lust auf den Weihnachtsswap.
Liebe Grüße, Birgit
It amazes me how our blossoms continue to grow with the cold nights they endure! My roses just do not stop blossoming...snow is forcasted for Thurs...Yikes! Lovely view of your garden Yolanda..hugs NG
Bei deinen schönen Fotos kommt man gar nicht auf den Gedanken dass schon November ist. Hier blüht fast gar nichts mehr und ich gehe auch kaum noch in den Garten.
Der Schnee von letzter Woche ist schon lange wieder weg, aber der Winter hat ja noch nicht mal richtig begonnen.
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