Is a fantastic movie, but that is not what I want to write about today. Nope, today I want to write about my own sweet Vita who's named after the well known British aristocratic gardener/writer/poet Vita Sackville-West (can we spell Sissinghurst?). My Vita lives up to her name as she is just as aristocratic and ladylike as her namesake, from the tip of her upturned nose right up to the tip of her very luxurious and fashionable tail. Vita's nickname is (among others) Miss Lola With Her Feathered Boa (Miss Lola met haar stola) as she manipulates her scrumptious tail just as seductively as those gorgeous courtesans in bygone ages with their feathered boa's or beautiful fans.
Little boy Volodja already falling victim to Vita's gorgeous tail.
And Vita seduced quite a few males of the feline persuasion in her time. Her first red hot lover was Gizmo, a bit of a toyboy as he was younger than Vita. Well, as a fashionable Maine Coon you have to keep up with the times, don't you?

Vita and Gizmo are the proud parents of 5 bouncing baby girls: Dolly, Molly, Polly, Holly and Jolly.

Here's a pic of baby Polly Pumpkin, and of course, if you are a regular visitor here then you already are acquainted with the delectable Dolly Daisy who is one the supervisors at Bliss.

A few years passed and then Vita found another lover, a gorgeous brown tabby Maine Coon male called Squeek. He was called that because of the sound he made when he tried to say something. It was very amusing to hear such a very macho male cat emit such a silly sound. With Squeek Vita got 4 gorgeous babies, 2 boys and 2 girls.

From left to right: miss Bombalurina, sir Pouncival, mr Mistoffelees and miss Jellylorum.

This is drop dead gorgeous sir Pouncival (Pouncer) when he grew up and became quite the lady killer. Isn't he the handsomest Maine Coon boy you've ever seen? And small wonder with such a beautiful and seductive mother as our Vita.

If there's one thing that Vita greatly enjoys in her life it's kittens! She loves them all, regardless whether they are hers or somebody else's. I've very seldom met a feline who is such a great mother as my Vita. Here she is snuggling up with some adorable Russian Blue babies.

And here she's giving Teuntje a wash while his Mum Surprise looks on from outside in the garden.

A few years later Vita got married for the third time, this time to Sammy, a very large and sweet Maine Coon boy.

They are the proud parents of 4 Maine Coon girls and one boy. Aren't they cute?

Here's a close up of two of the girls: Honey B and Blossom. Totally adorable, don't you think?

And if you are a regular visitor, then you have seen Blossom and her other sister Badger before.

Here they are looking after a darling baby boy. A great fondness of babies and looking after them most certainly runs in the family!
But although Vita loves babies, she also likes a lot of other things as well. With her namesake Vita Sackville-West she shares a love of books.

Vita also has a great fondness of catnip and here she is sampling the catnip together with her daughter Dolly.

Grooming is high on her list of priorities too as Vita wants to maintain her image of the most gorgeous and fashionable Maine Coon in town.

And my Vita is bella, very bella and she's having her 12th birthday today. So happy birthday my sweet girl, you're the best!
I've had computer problems for a week and have been unable to either blog or comment. Luckily everything is OK now.
copyright Y.E.W. HeuzenThe Cat
The cat by magic comes
Through slits of doors or air
To shadow through the rooms
And stalk what is not there.
And thrust outside the night,
With old and formal shout
In frightful guise she fights
The demons all about.
Then soft in sunny days,
Lulled in the leaves she goes.
No face of fiend dismays
Her vunerable repose.
Ann Stanford
Your cats are very photogenic!
Happy Birthday Vita Bella. Wunderschöne Pelznase. Sehr hübsche und äußerst niedliche Kätzchenfotos, Yolanda. Sooo herzig! Leider verstehe ich mal wieder nicht alles. Ganz süß wie die Pelznasen das Baby bewachen.
LG Birgit
So "Happy Birthday" to your Vita. Such a lovely story and the cats are all so cute!
Groetjes, Monika
Herrliche Bilder und ein wunderschöner Rückblick für eine würdevolle Lady.
Am meisten haben wir uns allerdings über die Namen der Kätzchen amüsiert. Hier wird ja meistens ganz trocken mit einem A-Wurf angefangen und alle Kitten bekommen dann A-Namen - so wie bei Allegra.
Es ist wirklich immer wieder schön anzusehen, wie harmonisch das Bliss-Team zusammenlebt!
Liebe Grüße Silke
Happy Birthday to your sweetie :)
Hi Yolanda,
Lovely story about your Maine coon Vita. You must me very proud of such a grand dame. Happy birthday, Vita!
Have fun with your cats.
My adult kitties like to lay on me at night while I watch TV (not uncommon for me to have 2 cats stretched out on my legs and one in my arms) and I wondered whether kittens do that with their mothers. After seeing Vita with the Russian blue kittens I can understand where that behavior comes from!
But, thank goodness, they are not as large as Maine coon cats, which can get to 20-25 pounds :-)
Your Vita is really beautiful and her kittens as well! Best birthday wishes from me...
I always enjoy seeing your pics of your beloved cats!
Kittens are so cute and your cats are beauties! I have actually been to Sissinhurst. It was worth the trip!
She is Bella! I loved every photo of your cats!!
Hi all and welcome to Bliss once again!
* Connie: you are not wrong. ;-)
* Birgit: it's just a little story about Vita and her babies. You understood the most important part though: Vita's birthday! :-)
* Monika: all cats are cute, don't you think?
* Silke: I never used the alphabet for naming my cats, I usually had a theme such as flowers, music, books, tv series etc. Inspiration comes from many things. ;-)
Harmony is very important when so many cats live together in one house and garden. I always select a new cat mostly on temperament; does it fit in our cat family?
* Felicia: thank you!
* Bert: yes, I'm very proud of my Vita who is such a great kittycat.
* Firefly: kittens like to lie on each other in one big heap as it keeps them warm. This is actually something they have to do in the first weeks of life as they can't keep their body temperatures level by themselves and need their mother and other littermates to keep warm.
And yes, Maine Coons are big and can get very heavy indeed.
* Karin: Vita is gorgeous, you right there. ;-) Glad you always enjoy the pics of my kittens and cats.
* Layanee: thanks and I've been to Sissinghurst too, what a great garden, eh?
* Lisa: thanks very, very much for that lovely poem. I've read it to Vita and she likes it very much too, especially the bella part. She knows her languages. ;-)
* Rosemary: glad you liked all the pics of all the kittens and cats!
Mijn allerliefste poes heette ook Vita. Net als jouw Vita genoemd naar Vita Sackville-West.
Mooi portret heb je van haar gemaakt!
Wat een ster is Vita- uiterlijk en ook karakter! Prachtige dame en jarig in november hè..;-)Geef deze party-poes maar een extra 'kroedeltje van mij :-)
Wat hebben ze ook allemaal geweldige namen :-)))
@ poppedijn= de Januari-engel en ik noem haar het 'Vogelvrouwtje',ze hangt in de huiskamer en ik vond haar wel passen bij dit logje ;-)
proficiat ...uhhhh ja het blijft een vogelvanger ;))) en wt moet ik daar mee als vogelvrouwtje ???
whahahahaha jij maakt zulke mooie portretjes van je lieverds moet je eens als kalender uitgeven ;))
tip van de dag ;)
Yolanda this post was truly peace harmony and balance! Your Vita is a lovly girl!
~~HAPPY B.DAY!~ sweet Vita..
All of your feline families are just too precious for words!
I loved waking up to this post that makes my heart sing!!
hugs and purzzzzzzzzz aNNa
I am trying to keep up with all your cats - Happy Birthday to Vita..
Maxi get's a big spoonful of tuna for his birthday in July.
How about your cats..
What do you serve for dinner on Vita's birthday??
I mailed your blog link to my daughter in Sweden ..I am sure my granchildren would love to see your cat pictures.
In all things of nature there is something marvelous.
- Aristotle
cheers from Canada
It's good to have you back! I thought you'd gone walkabout again! LOL.
I love hearing about your kitties. I don't know if you saw, but we went to a cat show on Sunday. It was so fun being surrounded by so many beautiful cats. But of course, I had my own kitty family to come home to and cuddle with.
Your cats are just gorgeous and I'd love to be there to love 'em up!!
Happy Birthday to your sweet fur-baby! You have so many beautiful fur-babies! Happy Day ((HUGS))
Happy Birthday Vita! What a lovely and wonderful kitty. The personality is so much like our Lydia. They do know how to work that plume of a tail, don't they? I just can't get over how cute her kittens are! Serious cute attack happening here! Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
Your cats are gorgeous!
Ach sind das nette Fotos! Die Kätzchen sind wirklich alle zum knuddeln.
My goodness, what a bunch of adorable fur! My own Miss P hates to be bothered with photo ops. But I occasionally catch her doing something interesting, such as sitting on my pansies!
--Robin (Bumblebee)
What a beautiful girl. She makes the pretties kittens. I wish her a long life.
Happy Birthday Vita from Tuvok, Bandit and Rory in New Jersey. You are so beautiful that all of us boys have fallen madly in love with you. It's a good thing that you live in the Netherlands or we would be fighting each other for you.
I love all your cats! It's like Heaven!
Sandra Evertson
It's interesting, isn't it, how some cats are so peaceful towards other cats of all ages and some just aren't. My best-cat-ever, Nermal, loved all cats and kittens--and baby rabbits, too, which he rescued and brought to me when their mother was hit by a car. Seeing all those pictures of Vita and her babies and other babies made me want kittens in the worst way. Must.be.strong....
Hi all and welcome to Vita's birthday party!
* Brimstone: wat leuk dat ook jij een zeer bijzonder poesje naar Vita Sackville-West hebt vernoemd. Zou het lieve in de naam zitten? ;-)
* Marl1: ja, mijn Vitamientje is een heel bijzonder poeske en het kroedeltje heeft ze gehad hoor. Ach ja, met het verzinnen van namen probeer ik een beetje origineel te zijn.
Mooi popje, dat Januari-engeltje en inderdaad zeer toepasselijk bij je logje.
* Lenie: ik zal maar niet zeggen hoeveel mussen mijn Vita letterlijk een kopje kleiner heeft gemaakt, ook toen ik haar een bandje met belletje had omgedaan en mevroi hoog zwanger was. Tja, de aard van het beestje. Een kalender, hmmmmm, tis een ideetje. ;-)
* Anna: I'm glad this post made your heart sing, you could do with a bit of extra happiness right now.
Lots of purrrrrrrs from Vita to you!
* Gisela: Vita got some boiled cod, which she likes very much. She also got a few thin slices of roastbeef and as dessert some cheese. She loves cheese, all my cats do.
* Kylee: nope, just some pc trouble this time, very annoying but luckily I was back on line in time for my Vita's birthday.
Yes, I saw that post but haven't gotten around to commenting yet, I'm so behind!
* Tracy: thanks and yes, I feel very priviledged to have the companionship of so many sweet kittycats in my life.
* Cindy: yes, Vita certainly knows how to work that plume of a tail. Perhaps next time a post like this should come with a cute attack warning? ;-)
* Marie: I agree!
* Lis: yes, they are all very much to knuddeln. ;-)
* Robin: LOL, as a rule my kitties look out for my plants, which is very kind of them.
* Vanillalotus: we share the same wish.
* OldRoses: lots of purrrrrs and seductive tail waving from Vita to Tuvok, Bandit and Rory, who, according to Vita, show excellent taste. ;-)
* Sandra: welcome to Bliss and I think you already grasped what it is all about. ;-)
* Jodi: another of Vita's nicknames is the Peace Keeper and she truly lives up to that name. Whenever hostilities break about between two kitties, Vita jumps in between them and starts calming everybody down. She is such a little dove.
Your Nermal sounds like a very special cat with such a loving disposition. We could all learn from kitties like your Nermal and my Vita!
Oh yes, those babies from Vita were always soooooo tempting, I don't know how I ever withstood them (well, except for Dolly of course).
What a gorgeous cat! I love her babies, too.
All of a sudden, I feel the need for kittens. Mike and Smokey are unable to oblige, I'm afraid. . .boys. Neutered boys.
Vita, her husbands, and their babies are all so beautiful! I want a Maine Coon cat, but I've promised Cougar (age 13) that she doesn't have to put up with any more kittens in her lifetime. She doesn't approve of kittens. Looking at your photos makes me want to break that promise.
I am too late to wish a happy birthday. :-( The pictures of the kitties are absolutely adorable, just love them! Andrea
Your cats are just beautiful! I have been considering buying a cat, a Cornish Rex to be specific. I'm just not sure I can accomodate one properly in my house, but I have been "itching" for a pet of some sort....you make me want one more!
What beautiful cats - I have grown to love cats and now have 5.
Sara from farmingfriends
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