So what is in bloom at Bliss at the moment ? Well, we have Irises in flower, and Clematis too.

I don't have the names of the Irises as I thought I'd bought one particular Iris but then was surprised to find that so far, none are of the variety I wanted. That can and does happen when you buy plants not in flower.
The garden cottage is looking very pleased with itself now that all those beautiful flowers are in bloom. Such a cheerful sight for sore eyes, don't you think?

a lovely white Wistaria. No, not a spelling error, the person this plant was named after was called Dr Caspar Wistar not Wister, hence Wistaria. I bought my Wistaria last year when it was not in flower. Buying plants not in flower can be a bit of a risk as sometimes plants are not labelled correctly (we have all been burned that way, right?) and I could have ended up with a blue Wistaria but, I'm very happy to say, it turned out to be a white one and its scent is heavenly.

Moonlight is a very strong rose with loads of beautiful white blooms with a wonderful scent and it flowers for most of the year. Its stems and new leaves are a very pretty burgundy red, the older leaves are dark green and glossy.

Dear Madame Alfred is not quite white, I've smuggled a bit here, but a lovely pale pink and her scent is pure bliss.
I've planted the roses in my front garden in June of 2006 so they have been here for almost 2 years now. Most of my white roses have a bed of their own and are growing up a rose standard. But what a difference there is between the roses.

I have two of those and although they are not real climbers they do very well in the beds they share with white lavender. They haven't reached the top of the standard yet but they will in time.
But what about this one, Rosa Guirlande d'Amour?

One of my favourite May flowers is the Elderberry. I love its delicate lacy flowers, both for their beauty and for the delicious things you can do with them. You can fry the flowers in batter, use them in pancakes or make a very tasty and refreshing non-alcoholic champagne from the flowers. Here you can read how to make this delicious champagne. Cheers!

Copyright 2008 Y.E.W. Heuzen
From personal experience I can tell those who look with longing eyes on a neighbour's lovely garden (...) that this is all possible for you (...) with no experience, provided you are willing to become acquainted with the plants through personal contact, the glory of success, the sorrow of failure, a little patience and some work.
Mrs Greenleaf Clark, The Garden Magazine, May 1917
I cannot imagine anyone having sore eyes after perusing your garden. You have a beautiful collection of blossoms.
I really like seeing your roses since I don't grow them.
All your blooms seem to be putting on quite the show for May, but that Clematis montana rubra is a show-stopper. Very pretty. Here at May Dreams Gardens, I'm still coaxing quite a few buds in to blooming in the next 24 hours so they'll be bright and cheery for the bloom day.
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
It is so amazing how nature surprises us daily with new blossoms after waiting for them so desperately. Beautiful pictures of your garden. Thanks a lot, Andrea
The pictures look fantastic. Your yard must be truly impressive. I love your Clematis. I just planted 4 little ones this year and am waiting patiently for some growth. I'm sure it will be years before my Clematis are as large as yours.
Wow it looks amazing out there! You have so many great blooms.
Hi there Yolanda :-)
What a wonderful sight your garden is at the moment. I cannot believe you have so many roses in flower!
My Queen of the Night is just out and my alliums are still in bud. Your garden is racing ahead of mine this year :-D
Have a great week :-D
Hi Yolanda, I love your Irises...especially the peachy colored one...just lovely. I have a very similar Clematis to the one you are showing, who knows, may be the same one..mine just came in to bloom as well. Everthing is looking beautiful, including all your window boxes overflowing with pansies...just lovely.
All the roses you mentioned aren't yet blooming in my garden. But I also have the first rose flowers, namely Scarman Himalayan Musk which opened two buds...I first smelled it before I saw it ;-) ! Lovely post about lovely flowers.
Hiya Yolanda, what a lovely name. You're done early as well.
So you think 4 hours' work on a Bloomday post is a lot, do you? I started at 5 am this morning, up early because of the snails (it's a long story ) and I've only just finished.
All that for only one photograph.
Well, I also had to straighten out my three interlinked garden blogs as well. Not a good idea having so many. I confuse myself. Anyway, I hope that after all that work one or two people will take a peek.
You know what? I looked through your pictures and we don't seem to have one single flower in common. Amazing the variety around at this time of year. I wouldn't mind swapping with some of yours though :-)
Nor would I mind having my garden as tidy as that.
I particularly liked your white roses.
What a treat Yolanda, thank you.
So pleased to see montana rubra....I have one in the garden and did not know its name.
The garden cottage looks so inviting, tea and biscuits anyone?
The anemones are so pretty and I love the colour combination of the tulip and columbine.
I to love Elder, our garden is surrounded by Elder and Hawthorn. The mixture of scents is intoxicating. I have tried Elderflowers in batter. It is absolutely delicious and so good for you.
I have uploaded a few blooms, nothing so grand as yours but I am pleased with how the garden is looking at the moment.
Have fun Yolanda and tku again for a tonic.
Es ist immer wieder ein Genuss so schöne Fotos aus deinem Garten anzuschauen. Dass bei dir die Iris schon blühen wundert mich doch sehr! Hier blühen nur die Nanas, aber die Barbata werden wohl nicht mehr lange auf sich warten lassen. Am Donnerstag bekomme ich Gartenbesuch, vielleicht klappt es ja dann mit der ersten Blüte!
LG Lis
You have so many of my favorites here! I noticed my first deep purple iris had opened yesterday. Your clematis are such a delight, and the little anemone..so sweet! Aliums, tulips, columbine, wistaria and the gorgeous window box of pansies next to the hanging basket...all very lovely, but oh, those roses! They're so wonderfully prolific! My little bushes are coming along nicely, but I don't have the lovely big shrubs and climbers that you do. We did plant a pink climber last fall, so we'll see how well that does. Meanwhile, I'll just have to admire yours from afar :)
I'm so glad you shared your May blooms! I always love seeing your beautiful flowers.
I planted anemone in the fall and so far nothing is coming up. Bummer!
Hi Yolanda, it looks like you picked the best of the best to show us on bloom day this month. No need for more, we want you to not be too tired to visit around! ;-> We have Moonlight also, and decided if you were to have only one rose, it would be that one. So long a bloom period, so fragrant, so easy. It is difficult to photograph the white flowers, though they are such a treat in the garden, especially white roses. Your clems look wonderful, as well as the wisaria, a beauty!
Frances at Faire Garden
So schön Dein Maigarten, Yolanda. Wunderschöne Iris hast Du. Überhaupt sieht alles sehr üppig aus bei Dir. Auf die erste Blüte der Multi Blue warte ich schon sehnsüchtig. Habe sie noch im letzten Herbst gepflanzt. Gleich 2 Mal. Die Montana sieht aus wie ein Schwall von Schneeflocken. Einfach zauberhaft. Clematis sind neben Rosen meine liebsten Gartenpflanzen.
LG, Birgit
You made my day ending in wonderful way - seeing all the beautiful blooms you have :)
I feel encouraged to get more roses I think :)
All the scented ones :)
You have so much in bloom!I love the 2-colored Iris and the purple tulips amidst all the green. Mine are kind of out in the open and I think they look better with other plants.
Your gardens are stunning. I love the potager. I've only just begun one this year. I refer to it as a Potager, but then I usually have to change to Kitchen Garden and give an explanation to those I talk to about it...:) I think the terms are much more rare in the United States. I live in a huge farming area and I doubt many around me go without a vegetable garden. They are still accustomed to long rows and have trouble understanding my "city folk" terminology (their words, not mine) I'm bound and determined to get them to see the advantages and beauty of the potager. So, thanks for showing me another one...and I adore the cats.
As always your garden stops me in my tracks. So many blooms Yet mine have still to show. I have some of those Black Knight tulips too, definately not a flower you can photograph easily, they do not do the purple/blackness justice.
deze keer alleen maar van de bloemen genoten , en waren er veel ...moet nog een beetje uitgriepen ;))) maar ben der weer hoor !!
groetjes Lenie
Zie dat we wel een beetje dezelfde smaak hebben qua planten. Maar ik zie bij jou al enkele bloeien die bij mij nog maar net knoppen hebben dus ik moet nog ff wachten op de mooie bloemen. Heb een paar jaar geleden ook een witte wisteria geplant, blauwe hadden we al, maar de witte wil nog niet bloeien, jammer. Heb weer genoten van je mooie foto's.
What a very pleasant interlude I have spent at Bliss in my mid-morning stroll through Garden Blogland :)
Whether it's gazing at your wonderful dreamy-coloured irises, the pretty anemones or dousing myself in the heady perfume of your myriad of ravishing, sweetly-scented roses...I feel spoiled :)
Yolanda your garden season is exploding with blossoms and how wonderful they are!We are just in the garden now doing the major Spring clean up and I too have buds bursting..I should do a post and show you! Enjoy your day..love your garden space! hugs NG
Yolanda, your blooms are gorgeous, and your gardens are inspiring. There are so many beautiful things blooming there now. Thank you for sharing so many of them.
I truly enjoyed your bloom post. Showing your antique roses with all their unique growth habits was very interesting, and I loved the clematis. I can't get enough clematis. Can you?
Oh so pretty! I was sighing at each of your photos, so wonderful...Roses are a delight but with fragrance they are divine. I did pause longer at Clematis m Rubens having just purchased this lovely on impulse last week. It is still in the pot waiting for me to move things about so she has a good home!
I must plant anemones ...one of the many joys of visiting blogs are all the inspiring plantings! Thank you.
Wonderful Yolanda! Can't believe you have so much in flower already, both spring and summerflowers. Your Clematis montana rubra is so beautiful, I wish I could grow it here in Sweden but I can't...
I planted Madame Alfred Carriere last year. She had a flower or two. Hope there will be more this year.
Take care and enjoy your garden! Kram Karin
Ooooo... your bearded iris are SO beautiful! I just love the bi-colored one because I remember it from when I was a kid. The peachy-apricot one is so lovely. And of course the first one you pictured is just knockdown gorgeous!
Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
Het is bijna niet bij te houden hè, wat gaat alles ontzèttend hard met deze warmte, iets te hard naar mijn zin.
De blauwe regen loopt hier al op zijn eindje, het ging in het begin van de avond ontzèttend hard waaien en zijn de meeste bloemen er uitgewaaid, maar regenen ho maar, toch hoop ik vannacht op een mals lentebuitje, zodat alles weer even "opfrist"!
groetjes, Marian
Mooie kleur die tulp! (soms helpt het als je de witbalans een stop terug zet- is het licht wat minder fel..)
Prachtig ook jouw Irissen, wat deze bloemen betreft mag de regen wel uitblijven.....
I love that clematis on the fence. Is that a fence? Your garden just amazes me. One day I hope to get my yard, well front yard full of flowers and blooming shrubs.
I really like rosa 'Moonlight' with its simple and elegant petal structure and bright white color!
Your 'Queen of the Night' tulips are lovely with the pink columbine. It really recommends a plant when it can be mixed into such different color schemes as yours and mine (with the chartreuse) doesn't it?
I love that adorable bi-colored anenome. Very pretty. The other flowers are wonderful too, of course.
Gorgeous! You have so much to look at in your garden. Your photos made me feel I'd just wandered through your garden discovering one beauty after another.
The anenomes are esp. intriguing. Are they tuberous-type anenomes?
It may well be dull and raining here this morning but it's just been brightened up thanks to a trip through your wonderful garden! xx
You have a paradise.
Lovely pictures of lovely plants. Your Irises are stunning and so are you Clematis - especially Snow Queen. Interesting information about the name of Wisteria/Wistaria - I'll try to remember the 'new' name.
Happy GBBDay! /Katarina
I like your clematises! Those irises look great too. The peach colored one is especially interesting since our bearded irises are all purple. Thanks for sharing!
Simply beautiful Clematis! Love your pictures!
Beautiful! I love irises, and mine are very busy blooming right now. I always enjoy my visits to your Bliss.
Clematis, iris, roses and Queen of the Night tulips - just wonderful, Yolanda Elizabet! I will now close my eyes and imagine the wonderful fragrances wafting all over Bliss.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Everything in your garden is a sight for sore eyes, Yolanda....everything to delight the senses. The peachy iris is especially gorgeous I think.
Very nice Yolanda, I like your roses and the Clematis snow queen is stoning
Gorgeous as always. Your clematis are lovely, the Sombrueil sounds divine and I adore Queen of Night tulips. My favorite. Unfortunately I still have nothing blooming in my brand-new-to-me garden, but maybe by next month I can join the fun!
~Angela :-)
What a fantastic time of year for flowers. Just because I don't do flowers doesn't stop me loving to look at everyone else's. I am looking forward to picking elderflowers in the hedgerows in the next couple of weeks, I make home-made elderflower cordial drink!
I love your Iris (iris are a favourite of mine). Your garden looks like its bursting with flowers (here the amount of blooms is starting to decline until Autumm when everithing will start blooming again). Beautiful roses, I still neen to find a nice rose for my garden (I like simple roses better than the double ones). Any sugestion for a moderatelly drought tolerant rose?
Nach dem 3. Versuch habe ich es aufgegeben eine weiße Glyzinie in unserem Garten zu besitzen. Aber zum Glück besucht uns häufiger zumindest die blaue Glyzinie vom Nachbarn.
Ich hatte ja schon vermutet, dass erste Rosen bei Dir blühen, aber so viele und schon so üppig! Hier lassen sie sich noch Zeit, aber das ist auch gut so, denn im letzen Jahr ging es viel zu schnell. Außerdem ist die Vorfreude auch schön...
Liebe Grüße Silke
Arghh, I've been spelling Wistaria wrong all these years???
It was a gorgeous Bloom Day at Bliss, as always. I'm so glad you decided to continue!
That is an amazing pictures of flowers, i really like flowers and have here at home. I like sombreuil and rosa moonlight
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