and this

caused by this.

OK, this is your chance, dear reader, to commiserate with me, say nice things, do a spot of hand holding and it is also a very opportune moment to pass the tissues, although even 20 boxes of tissues will not get rid of all that wetness in my sofa or that puddle on the floor. We need much more drastic action than that. So out came the mop and to work I went. The floor is dry now, I've put a bucket underneath the leak in the roof as it has started to rain again, phoned a man about the leak and I'm blow drying the sofa with not a lot of success yet as it really is soaking wet.
And all this on the birthday of my lovely Willow, she of the incredibly beautiful eyes.

My beautiful Russian Blue girl is 8 years old today. It's hard to belief as it wasn't all that long ago when she looked like this.

Happy Birthday Willow!!!
And then I find out that my blog has won another Mousie for Best International Garden Blog of 2008! So let's open a bottle of champagne, get a few other mousies out for the kittycats before they get jealous of my new Mousie and let's party!

A warm thank you to all of you who voted for Bliss for Best International Garden Blog of 2008 and to Colleen who has done such a lot of work organising the Mousie Awards and who gave birth to a bouncing and beautiful baby daughter in her spare time. :-) Can anyone top that? I thought not. ;-)

Yes, yes, yes, I hear your inner gardener complain, that is all very well YE, commisserations, congratulations and other ations but what about them clematises, clematisiseses errrrr youknowwhatsits. Aren't you going to show us any? Well, gentle reader, when have I ever let you down? Feast your eyes on these little beauties.

Have a great weekend!
Copyright 2008 Y.E.W. Heuzen
Strong plants are less likely to be destroyed - and you only get strong plants by good cultivation and manuring. You must not expect insecticides to make up for deficient cultivation and manuring.
Ministry of Agriculture, Allotment & Garden Guides, April 1945
That's not nice, the leaking in the roof. I hope you can sort that out once it stops raining. I covet some of your clematis (the pink and the purple flowered ones) but unfortunatelly they would not survive my werather, I think.
Regarding the asparagus seeds, maybe its still not warm enough for them to sprout in your climate.
Yolanda, I'm sorry about your roof leak! It's good you discovered it so quickly, and now it can be repaired before more damage is done.
Your clematis are beautiful, and congratulations on your wistaria coming into bloom. They are such beautiful climbers. I see you have a nice large, strong structure for it - good thing for that!
Happy birthday to Willow. She is a gorgeous cat. Her eyes are indeed very beautiful.
Willow is a gorgeous cat. Happy Birthday to her.
You have a challenge to fix the leak ... a challenge which I know you will accept and accomplish.
Oh no I'm sorry to hear about your leaky roof. Hope you fix it soon. What wonderful clematis I am so very jealous. I have one and it started to grow then stopped. No show for me this year because it hardlly got out of the pot!
Williow is beautiful. She has the most stunning eyes I have ever seen. I would love to have eyes that color. When I was younger I wanted a russian blue so very badly. Maybe someday down the road I will finally have one.
Quite a lot going on over at Bliss these days, including your Mousie win. Congratulations on your award, richly deserved---again! Maybe Willow will share some of her birthday cake with you for the occasion.
Wow and Wandering Winecups!! You and Willow had quite a day. I'm sorry about your couch. Love Willow's soulful eyes, and I feasted upon the beautiful clematis.
Thanks for the beautiful wakeup call.~~Dee
Aww, what a shame about the leaking roof.
Happy birthday to Willow--she's so pretty!!
Sorry about the leaky roof - not fun first thing in the morning, hopefully it can get sorted soon...
The flowers are looking wonderful and so are the lovely cats :o)
Hope you have a great weekend!
Consider your hand held, Yolanda Elizabet, while I murmur, "Poor baby! Everything will be okay!"
The roof may leak but your vines are spectacular.
Happy birthday to Willow and congratulations to you...don't let the cats hear you have another Mousie, they'll want one, too ;-]
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Delightful post which points out very well, why you were voted a Mousie.
Happy Birthday Willow,
So sorry about the leak, here is soft, lotion soaked tissue, they are much easier on our tender skin
The Clematis are wonderful! I could look at them all day! Does the Montana smell delicious, mine does!
Yolanda Elizabet, your clematis are stunning! I can see why Multi Blue is your favorite. Not only are the individual blooms gorgeous, but the vine itself seems to bloom vigorously with a pretty form.
Congratulations on your 2008 Mouse & Trowel award! I love your blog. So glad you won!
Lisa @ Shower Fresh Garden
So sorry to hear about your conservatory roof.There's always something to deal with in life...keeps us on our toes. Happy Birthday to Willow with the beautiful green eyes!
We can hold each others hand Yolanda. You have water coming from above, I have water under the house. Tissues all around.
That Willow looks like a vixen. She is so beautiful.
The Clematis are stunning.
I almost forgot to Congratulate you on your Mousie Award. Yipee...Well deserved too. Now you can tell the Bliss team that you have a Mousie too.
Happy birthday to Willow...dreamy eyes :)
Congrats on winning the 2008 Mouse & Trowel Award...not surprising as everything you do is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious :)
Fantastic shades of clematis. I love 'em all :)
In 2000 we had a major flood bringing down five ceilings, keeping us out of our home...and garden...for three months...so I can sympathise with your water problem in the conservatory.
The wisteria's wonderful trailing over the pergola too :)
Fancy a little tiptoe? :)
Congratulations on the Mousie! Too bad it doesn't come with a cash reward to help you fix the hole in the roof! Love the clematis. I'll have to try growing them.
Hi Yolanda, I'm one who has never commented (time poor is my excuse) but love your site, and thought it was time to tell you - though you are obviously not short of admirers! My garden is very different to yours, but you constantly inspire me with your gorgeous photos and words. My daughter tells me to start my own blog - maybe some day!!
Bye for now..
Hi Dear Yolanda and Willow, we are sending bunches of catnip and clicky purring noises to you both. Your blog is a must read for me, not just for international flavor but you are a true gardener who can write a sassy sentence and snap a savvy shot. Happy birthday sweet girl and happy mousie, YE. Thanks for showing us your wealth of clemmies, all lovely.
Frances at Faire Garden
Yolanda, what gorgeous Clematis you have...I hope mine will be as large and spread out as that some day. : )
So sorry about your flood problems, you've really had it rough in that area. Your cats as always are so adorable!!
I'm sorry to hear about your leaky roof. I commiserate! I spent mother's day two years ago mopping my basement of the water that was pouring through a hole in our basement window. Leaks are not fun no matter where they are! I hope that you can get it fixed quickly. And Willow is absolutely lovely. It's always nice to run into other cat lovers. I think a lot of gardeners are also cat people. My babies are 12 and 14! I can't believe it either
Congratulations on winning the award! Sorry to hear about your leak, but rain is otherwise good. And happy birthday to Willow, she's beautiful! My James will be 15 on May 24!
~ Monica
Great news about the award! Congrats. You are right, Willow does have the most incredible eyes.
Your clematis are beautiful, and I really like the Multi-Blue!
Leak? owwww... baad baad window!
Let me keep your hand... and don't worry... it can be repaired, and sofa can be dried, and maybe there will be no spot left :)
Montana - I love it. I tried to grow it in my garden, but that winter was too cold.
Your clematiseseses are so beautiful - is your soil proper for them, ot you prepare the spot in the special way?
congrats on mouse&trowel 2008!
Oh, so viele Informationen in einem Post - und dabei habe ich doch noch so viele Posts hier vor mir, die ich alle in den letzten Wochen verpasst habe!
Ja, undichte Dächer - warum suchen sich Dächer eigentlich immer Stellen aus, unter denen Möbel stehen? Bei uns tropfte das Tauwasser auch mal einen Tag vor Weihnachten genau auf die Liege. Aber es blieben keine Schäden zurück. Allerdings bei Deinem hellen Sofa?
Willow sieht für ihr Alter traumhaft aus- diese Augen und der schmale Kopf! Da müssen wir Allegra mit ihren fast 7 Jahren wohl doch auf Diät setzen? Allerdings ist sie, seitdem sie etwas mehr wiegt, auch nicht mehr so extrem nervös und ängstlich...
Schön, dass Dein Blog wieder so erfolgreich abgeschnitten hat. Deine Vielfalt an Themen und Bildern ist ja auch überwältigend.
Und Deine Clematis-Bilder könnten mich ja glatt wieder in Versuchung führen, aber leider hat es bei uns kaum Sinn. Es sind wohl wirklich nur die wilderen Arten, die bei uns eine Chance im Wildwuchs-Garten haben.
Ich hoffe, dass sich Euer Dach ohne Probleme reparieren lässt und der Regen legt bis dahin eine Pause ein!
Liebe Grüße & ein schönes Wochenende
No! Do not apply heat! Heat can damage the materials from which the lounge is made. Blot as much moisture as you can from the lounge with towels. Then set up an electric fan to blow ordinary room-temperature air onto it.
And congratulations on your Mousie!
I see another Mousie has found its way onto your plot - make sure the Bliss team don't catch this one!
Congratulations, well done and have a great weekend!
Eerst maar even Willow feliciteren!
Acht jaar, onze twee oudste katjes zijn samen acht, nog piep dus.
Wat ben jij gruwelijk verwent zeg, je oortje ging er van krullen ;-)
En Yolanda, jij gefeliciteerd met je mousie, hebben we mooi niet voor Jan met de korte achternaam op je gestemd!
Wat doen de clematissen het weer fantastisch, ik val voor je Multi Blue, wow wat een schoonheid!!
Leuk de eerste bloemen in de witte regen, de blauwe hier is al bijna uitgebloeid, dankzij de veel te warme dagen, ik heb al een goeie stek ervan in een pot staan, voor de volgende tuin!
Geniet maar van al dat moois, het blijft nu wat langer bloeien gelukkig.
fijne zondag,
groeten, Marian
Hallo Yolanda, ich freue mich so sehr für Dich, dass Dein Blog wieder gewonnen hat 2008. Herzlichen Glückwunsch, es triff absolut den richtigen Blog.
Deine Clematis blühen aber schon schön. Bei uns blüht nur Piilu und eine weitere. Auf alle anderen warten wir heiß und innig. Es sind einige dabei, die Du auch hast.
Schönen Sonntag. Der Regen soll ab morgen hier wieder nachlassen. Nun reicht es auch wieder. Der Garten ist gut durchnässt.
LG, Birgit
What lovely clematis! I only have (had?) 3 myself, but they are such wonderful plants I can't help but want more of the beauties!
En dan vergeet ik hélemaal je waterbed eh bank!
Zo te zien heeft het daar harder geregend dan hier, het zal wel even duren voor dat weer helemaal opgedroogd is denk ik, maar je hebt toch nog wel iets anders om op te zitten? ;-)
Zet er een ventilator bij, dat helpt!
Great photos of a lovely garden, the clematis is gorgeous!
I hope you have had a great weekend!
Hugs from Singapore
Wat een rampje van je bank! Ja, blowen helpt dan niet, gewoon geduldig wachten en hopen dat het zonder kringen opdroogt.
En dat op Willow d'r verkatseldag! Willow alsnog van harte, meiske! En jijzelf natuurlijk gefeliciteerd met je muisje!
Ik ben een beetje jaloers op je clematissen. Ze zijn prachtig!!!!
Yolanda..your post contains so many items:-))
Your clematis are beautiful.
Sorry for the mishap in your conservatory. We had a roof leak during the winter, no wonder with all that snow piling up.
The cats are always lovely and I admire the pictures.
Have a good Sunday and coming week.
-Cheers Gisela
Love the snow queen I planted one a year ago so this year it's creeping along just fine... I also have one named Mrs. Thompson she's been a naughty one... but this year I think it's her year growing like mad... I enjoy your gardens thanks for sharing them with us.
kim, in minnesota
Happy birthday to the very beautiful Willow.....
Clematis are stunning Yolanda, mine are budding but not quite there yet......apart from the montana rubra.
Sorry to hear about your conservatory, same thing happened to us a couple of years ago. They fiddled around with it to no avail and we ended up with a complete new roof.
Hope that yours is sorted out more easily.......poor you.
I think I have serious clematis envy! Your Multi-blue is spectacular. And congratulations on a well-deserved award!
Yolanda so much excitement and celebration happening here!!
Where do I begin!
Happy birthday to your kitty with the "covergirl eyes!"....GORGEOUS..purzzzzzz..
Congratulations on your award! Hurrah! I love coming by and seeing all the wonderfull images of your garden and cats!
EEEEK!!! all that water damage!!
I always say "things" can be restored but heart and souls cannot. I'm sure all will be fine eventually ..with a bit of help ..well maybe a lot of help..with the water damage. Stay dry NG
Congratulations Yolanda!!
Not for the roof :(
but for the award for the best internationel blog.
The leek in the roof is not a nice thing, but your award which you won! Congratulations!
Your clematis flowers are beautiful. Why do they already flower in your garden. Here they don't but we have roses instead ;-) !!
Have a nice week!
Hi all and welcome to Bliss.
Here's an update on the roof: the roof has been fixed by the under-gardener. Apparently one of the roof sheets had moved (because of the wind?) and that caused the leak. When the sheet was back in place (it took about 2 hours) the leak was gone.
The couch has also survived the rain damaged. It only looks slightly the worse for wear. And thanks Chookie and others for your advice!
Willow had a lovely birthday with lots of treats and tummy tickles and she was kind enough to share one of her mousies with me when she noticed what I had won; she can't play with that, here have one of mine!
Glad you all liked the Clematis extravaganza!
Thanks for visiting and commenting, do come again. :-)
Your cats are wonderful !
Unfortunately my older cat died last year and until now, mainly because of my dogs, I couldn’t bring my self to have another one.
But I really miss a Miau in the house !
I also love your flowers, and never have seen then in this parts. So I will be on the look out for then, since they are quite beautiful.
My compliments Yolanda! And what an array of wonderful blooms. It must be quite a delight watching Wisteria bloom for the first time. I still didn't get there. I'm hoping at least some of mine will bloom next spring. But I had same hopes last year LOL.
P.S. Willow is one extraordinary piece of work. I have never seen eyes so beautiful.
So many things going on at Bliss! Congrats on your award, Happy Birthday to beautiful Willow, and sorry about the roof! Oh, and I'm enjoying your clematis collection...wow!
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