The days are very short now; it gets light around half 8 and it turns dark again at half past 4 in the afternoon. No fun when you are suffering from
SAD as I do. Fortunately I have only a mild form, but the acronym certainly fits the bill.

And not only are the days short, they are pretty cold too, ranging from minus 4 to plus 8 C. It's no wonder that many members of the Bliss team are huddled together for warmth in front of a roaring fire. How we all miss our friend the sun!

It's not so bad when there is show, as white is very good for reflecting light. With snow there is much lightness and brightness. Unfortunately the snow we usually get here lasts only for a few hours and then we're back to dull, dark and dreary. What we need, very much need in North-Western Europe is light, so let there be light ......

lots of light

all sorts of light

to chase away the doom and gloom.

The sun gives life by providing us with light and warmth. It's not for nothing that the well known tradition of decking out an evergreen tree with lots of lights and decorations is old, very old in this part of the world.

Those primitive tribes from long ago were starved for light and warmth at this time of year and unlike us, they were not all that sure that the sun, that harbinger of life, would really come again and shine down on them next spring. So they did the tree thingy on Winter Solstice and hoped that the Gods would smile down on them and let the sun return.
It's not only the light and warmth I'm missing, I'm missing this too; the beautiful flowers from my garden that brighten up the dullest day with their cheerful colours and wonderful scents.

A while ago I got this lovely present from a dear friend who knows how much I love flowers.

Pretty, aren't they? And you haven't seen the best bit yet. Pop a tea light in, light it and .............

Bob is
Kylee's uncle, erm I mean

and there is light

and flowers too.
Lights are lovely. You can never have to much in the wintertime. I like your gardener's touch of the watering can outside the window.
We have had plenty of sunshine but the cold that is keeping us inside is tough! YE, your winter lights are lovely and do brighten the day; the tea lights are the best I've seen. Have a good week! Gail
All of your beautiful light should chase away the SAD. I just love the tea lights. I am sure your heart is full of light after receiving these gifts.
If only we could hibernate too. At least in less than a couple of weeks, we will have the shortest day behind us and then it's all uphill:) What a beautiful gift.
So delightful here today, Yoland...glitter of snow and lights, the warm of fireside and cats...it doesn't get any better, does it?! ;o) Happy Days ((HUGS))
i have suffered with serious SAD for years. Some years by february it is so bad ... I can't go out the house. And a couple of years more serious still.
I have tried walking in the sunshine, st johns wort, as well as other stronger things. This year for the first time I spent £200 on a special SAD light from Finland.
M~Y GOD. The difference... It's not just my mood. My sleeping is entirely different, more peaceful. My eating is less frantically carbohydrate-focused. I am losing weight! Unusual for me in December. And... I have so much energy for work. AS well as not bursting into tears every day for no reason other than... "feeling blue".
I cannot recommend these lights enough. i wish someone had made me buy one years ago. It is just amazing. I really really urge anyone who suffers to spend the money. It is totally worth it. I feel I have my life back, I feel I can "be myself" during these months, instead of a weepy energyless flake.
I will stop ranting now!!
Ps i too loved the photos especially of the warm indoor lights... but I hope you realise how much we are expecting Cute Photos of Tara For Christmas!!
That looks like milk glass, is it? It's beautiful with the tea lights!
I really dislike the drab and dreary winter season too. It's good that you have your furry friends to cheer you and keep you company during the long winter days.
I love your chandeliers, YE. They cast such a warm, romantic glow. The candle holders are lovely too.
Pop over to Digging for more lights to cheer you up.
The mountain passes are getting snow--the skiers are hoping ski season can finally begin. Here in the city, we're gray and drab and wet and cold. Your lights are beautiful.
Mr P suffers with SAD.....and hates these dark days......
Fortunately we are having lovely bright sunny days........I hasten to add after weeks of dull gloomy weather........I shall huff and puff and blow it Yolanda's way.......
Your lights and tree are beautiful......so are all the little luvlies in front of the fire.......
I am reading your blog for quite a while now and always wanted to see your Russian Blues. There they are! And what a lovely fireplace to curl up in front. I agree that the missing light is the worst during Winter. Where I live we seldom get snow and it's dull, grey and wet most of the time. In addition, I have the problem that my two young cats nibble on my plants so I can't garden indoors either. So it's a looooong way 'till Spring!
Those little tealights are adorable - what a cute present!
I think the reason I like Christmas lights - even tacky ones - is that they help drive away winter blues. The more lights the better I say, whatever the source.
Cats are very good at finding the best warm spot (lol)
Lovely post! I don't mind bright, sunny days when I can get out even for a short while unlike the cold, dark wet days when I don't.
I think that we'll all feel better in the New Year when it starts getting lighter and Spring won't be so far away!
Take care, and stay warm! xx
With more and more bloggers talking about their SAD condition, I'm understanding a little better the feelings you have when the sun doesn't come out. It looks like you are well prepared with that lovely fire and snuggly cats and lights lights lights!
Hi YE, so sorry about your SAD, but your team by the fire sure brings a smile, all those furry purry bodies have to help cheer one up a little. That special light sounds like a good thing too! Your home looks so cheering with the chandeliers with mirrors, a great way to give more light with no electricity costs! The glow from those tea light holders is the perfect kind, soft and warm. So lovely.
When we lived near Chicago each December we'd go down to the Museum of Science and Industry for their annual Christmas Trees & Holidays of Light, including 50 Christmas trees decorated in the style of different countries. Too bad we can't pop over there right now!
Your personal festival of lights looks lovely, Yolanda - and with cats and candles everywhere I hope you'll be okay until the sun grows strong again.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Hi there Yolanda :-)
Oh dear… it makes my sad to think of you with SAD after seeing your wonderful warm and fun personality when we met back in the summer :-(
Funnily enough, as Emma has mentioned, I was going to suggest a daylight lamp for indoors although it sounds like Emma’s one is excellent!
Ah… but it sounds like you’ve lots of wonderful ideas to add light to your home at the moment. The fire caught my eye and candles are always great especially the effects made by simple tea lights! Twinkling lights though – they just add that little bit of magic and make me smile :-D
Sending you warm, sunny good wishes :-D
Yolanda Elizabet, you clever girl, you! You made me smile on this cold morning! Now, want to know something a bit astonishing? I DO have an Uncle Bob, and the date of this post you made, mentioning him, was HIS BIRTHDAY!!! Yes, I know it's an expression, but in this case, it's for real! :-O
Your lights ae lovely, especially the lights from your friend. I love your Christmas tree!
The Bliss Team looks so cozy!
And I suffer from SAD as well. The doctor prescribed a light box several years ago, but I didn't get one. This year, I am. Last winter just wasn't good at all in that respect. Yes, let there be light!
Hugs to you!
I love how all the cats have the best spot!! Is there any room for you???
Yes, we really need light - at least days like this when it don't get light at all (it one of those greyish days). Lovely light-pictures from your home and beautiful Christmas tree and flowers. Have a wonderful and hopefully light-filled week! Kram Karin
Deine Katzen sind immer wieder ein Augenschmaus! Ich hab sie gerade meinem Mann gezeigt.
The cats have a lovely time in front of the fire. I wish I could join them, it look so cosy.
I love you small cups with tea lights. They are very beautiful.
Hello, It is very frustrating, this S.A.D. Tell me about it! I'm a mental health professional, and I suffer with it myself. In fact, right now, it's all I can do to not stay in bed all day. My doctor recommended a lightbox last winter and I started using it this fall. It really seemed to help, but I haven't used it in over a week and already I am feeling the effects. I need to spend some time sitting in front of it, I know. There are many on the market s0 if you haven't looked into it yet, please do! And your kitties are beautiful! Jan
It wouldn't surprise me if most people up here suffered from SAD during winter. Without realizing... The lack of light is indeed a burdon. I so hope spring will arrive very soon!
What lovely tea lights! At this time of year I try for full out enjoyment of any sunny days no matter what the temperture, they're just too rare to not be appreciated. But soon the wheel will turn and it will be spring again....wonderful spring!
Wat een prachtige lichthoudertjes, die drie!
Hier branden wel regelmatig kaarsjes, maar voor de rest, buiten enzo, nog steeds weinig. Ben geloof ik wat teveel uithuizig, het komt er gewoonweg niet van om het leuk aan te kleden...
I'm glad you got those wonderful little lights which also help a bit against SAD. In ten days light will come back again, slowly but steadily ;-) !! But at the moment we have advent with all the candles around which also make the day a bit more joyful.
Wishing you all the best,
hi YE, i have SAD too, but find just going out for a walk after lunch on a sunny day takes care of it. i love the cozy way your house looks!
the solstice is almost here, and then things will slowly brighten up. i always look forward to that!
Oh, those candles are lovely. I like the chandeliers, too. Oh, how I wish the outside outlets were working at my house, since this is the season to put up outdoor Christmas lights, and I adore them. A few of my neighbors have gotten pretty creative decorating their yards with lights!
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