That's what Jeeves expected when he decided to help me with laying the new path that connects the potager with the garden cottage at Bliss. Mr Jeeves, being very tired from all his hard work assisting me, wanted to be carted around all over the garden at the drop of a hat - or should that be whisker? - and much fun was had by all. But it did slow down the work just a tad.

Here he is on guard duty. Those bags and paving stones are, you understand, in imminent and grave danger from being stolen from my secure back garden. ;-)

Inspector Jeeves, overseeing what I've done so far. Will it get his seal of approval? A closer look at what's been done so far. Hmmmmmmm.

The finished result. This pic was taken with my back towards the potager.

Here's a look from the garden cottage towards the potager.

In case you're wondering if it actually got Jeeves's seal of approval; it got this.

I found it the day the path was finished. Ewww. Want a closer look?

So I may not have gotten Jeeves'
seal but I did get his
shrew of approval. This also clears up the murder mystery we had a few weeks ago when I found this massacre in my garden and wondered who the culprit was.

So, if you are a shrew, be very aware of what dangers may lurk in the garden.

Jeeves, the
tamer, make that
killer of the shrew.

good grief, this really is
much ado about nothing. I'm off, could someone order me a taxi?
That Jeeves knows a good thing when he sees it. Good Job! Your garden shed is cute too. I need Jeeves around here to take care of shrews that race around the garden. Luna is too big and slow to catch them. It is funny to watch her try.
It's a good thing you had Jeeves there to inspect the path for you, and offer so much "help".
The path is very nice!
You know how to tell a tale, Yolanda ;-)
I thought your title suggested someone was finally coming to collect Jeeves. It looks like he is in with the foundations of your garden now! He knows how to secure his place in the clan - clever Jeeves :-D
Love the new path, Yolanda, great choice of colour for the gravel with the yellow of the cottage too! Good jobs all round :-D
Sunny here today, hope the rain has gone with you and you get a good day to walk along and admire your handiwork :-D
Oh, Yolanda can I borrow mr Jeeves? I have had a visit again in my greenhouse, someone ate nearly all my seeds grrrr...
Have a wonderful sunday! / LOL Tyra
I love your new walk. Great job.
Nice work on the path for you, and nice work for Mr. Jeeves, too. It appears he's become a fixture. And your cottage - it is so cute!
Your path looked nice Yolanda.
I must say that cats are very good to catch mouse, we have not heard any one in the walls yet.I think they take care of them around the house before they have a chance to get inside.
I need a Jeeves in my garden. He is a delightful companion...excuse me, I meant to say supervisor and advisor! Please don't tell him I forgot his exalted status for even a second! Great job on the walkway, YE...your garden still looks good!
Great photos, but Jeeves is letting the side down - there are several photos in which he hasn't managed to impose himself!
Mr. Jeeves seems like he earned a ride or two around the garden! He's got the place looking top notch!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Looks like Jeeves aproves whole heartedly. And rightly so good looking garden and path!
I do like your shed.
Nice to know you've installed that path so Jeeves can keep his paws out of the dirt!
Dead bodies - it's so uncouth of cats to leave them lying around. One of mine produced a dead weasel this morning.
I am loving your path Yolanda.....a splendid job.....it finishes a garden perfectly to see a path to lead you around.....I am very neglectful in that area I have to say....well done you, pat on the back.........
Did you know that shrews are the favourite meal of many birds of prey.....
Nella caught a rabbit today.....it was quite sickly, so she did in fact put the poor creature out of its misery........
Na wenn jemand so viele Mäuse gefangen hat, der darf sich ruhig mal mit dem Taxi durch den Garten kutschieren lassen :-))
LG Lis
Very cute post Yolanda. Its good to see Jeeves earning his keep! Your new path looks wonderful!
What a busy cat he is! all the time workin... workin.. workin... any pleasure?
or that taxi is a promise?
YE, that is very hard work, with a great result! how long did that take? (i'm talking about the path! but jeeves does great work too!)
Awwww bless him, he is such a sweety, and has obviously decided to stay!!!
Love the path by the way, you wouldn't like to come and sort mine out would you please???
Jeeves is a real multi-tasker - killing shrews while overseeing your path-making and guarding the supplies. He is an adorable cat with those cute white-tipped paws.
Your path looks beautiful. I like the contrast between the paving stones and the little stones.
Have a good week!
Hi YE and Jeeves, you have both been hard workers it seems. The path is a long one and now it is a very neat and well kept one too. It is so nice to be able to walk the garden and keep ones feet dry. Way to take care of interlopers, Jeeves!
Hi Yolanda..
I say orchids and you say cats.
And we visit each other:)
- With meauws- miaus from Canada
I'd say Mr. J. earned his keep and then some. He's quite the hunter. Beautiful path! --Curmudgeon
Think how much easier it would be if instead of sitting in the barrow (looking handsome), Jeeves could be taught to actually push the barrow? Then if he taught the other 400,000 cats to push barrows as well you could instantly have a thriving haulage business. You could easily transport building materials to Rotterdam and cheese to the Belgian border: and that would just be the start.
A brave new world of useful felines.
Sadly an idea that is almost certainly doomed. The cats would swiftly become unionised and make outrageous demands.
Jeeves ist ja ein Riesen-Mäusefänger! Und auch noch pfiffig dazu, dass er sich ein Taxi nimmt, um von A nach B zu kommen. Ja von unseren Pelzen können wir viel lernen.
LG Birgit
What a nice path you've made! Looks great! But the other pics - I couldn't almost look. :)
How is the weather in Netherland at the moment? We've had frost the last couple of nights so the season is over now.
Have a nice week! Kram Karin
Die Jeeves- ligt niet alleen maar lui en mooi te zijn...;-)))
Mooi pad is het geworden :-)
oohhh! Nice neat path!
Jeeves is such an appropriate name for your cat. He looks like he's got his dinner jacket on ready for a posh dinner. Such a pity he went out for a take-away instead ;)
Oh my goodness! That's hilarious!!!! What a great post! I'm glad you solved the mystery of the shrews. And I'm really impressed by the work you did on the path. It's really lovely.
The path looks very nice! And Jeeves, the handsome tuxedo cat, is also quite the hunter! Well done, Jeeves!
I like your taxi.
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