Welcome to Christmas Bliss.

Won't you come inside? Let me take your coat. First door on your left, my dear.

What's that you say? Ah yes, the house is very Christmassy looking, glad you like it. I love decorating for Christmas, don't you?

During the last few weeks before Christmas the days are very short and as they are usually dull, dark and dreary we need to cram in as much lights as we possibly can.

This year we have only a small Christmas tree because of puppy Tara, a big tree would be too dangerous. This little one is high upon a pedestal, safely out of puppy reach.

It's tiny, but still a Christmas tree, wouldn't want to do without one.

Yes, those Paperwhites smell divine, I always have them at Christmas and the same goes for Hyacinths. I love the wonderful scent they provide. Speaking of which, would you like a glass of mulled wine, judging by the smell of it, it's about ready to be poured. Glass or bucket? Only joking, you know how I am, forever pulling people's legs.

Is that the time already? Not long now before the
magical hour starts. You haven't heard of the
magical hour on Christmas Eve before? Really my dear, such a careless oversight on somebody's part, I'm sure. Sit down please and I'll tell you all about it. You see, it starts tonight after the last stroke of eleven and ends on the first stroke of midnight. It's the only time of the year when you can open the door to the past, to
Christmas Past. It's almost time now; listen, the clock is chiming the hour ...........one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven...........
Shhhhhhhh, be quiet, close your eyes, breathe in deeply and then

they are here, my silver ghosts of
Christmas Past 1988; dear Bebop(l) and his sister Purrfect Melody. Aren't they simply adorable and as sweet as can possibly be? It's so good to see them again, how beautiful, so full of life and young they were then.

And here they are on Boxing Day 1988, after they'd just stripped the tree of a few of its decorations, the little darlings.
Hang on, we're going fast forward, suddenly it's
Christmas Past 1997 and awwwwww, there is widdle Dolly, how tiny she was then to fit in that little box.

Cute, doesn't begin to describe her. But where is she now, on
Christmas Present? Do you see her? Oh, there she is.

I don't think I've told you yet, but during the
magical hour you can not only open the door to
Christmases Past but also see who people really are, their true selves. Our Dolly is Santa's little helper and such a help she's been through all these years.

Kadootje (=present) is certainly living up to her name, her presence is certainly the best present anyone could ever have. And look at ................ Wait, what's that?!

Tara, stop it, give Dolly her hat back!

Fat chance, it's mine and I'm keeping it. Yep, we certainly are showing our true colours tonight, I'm the evil puppy of Christmas Present! Grrrrrrrrrrr!

Meanwhile something is happening on the Russian front; Pippa has suddenly sprouted wings,

real wings made of real feathers and that's not all, look at Willow who's laying next to her.

A halo has magically appeared above my little girl's head; I always knew my Russian Blues were true angels.

See how angelic Willow is looking? The presence of all those sweet little angels must surely have some effect on puppy Tara?

But no, she is still her rascally self, or is she? Isn't that a strange glow I see in her eyes? But what's happening?
ZAPPPP!!! An unexpected flash of blinding white light and then .......................

Tara has turned into an ickle Christmas Faerie complete with pink fluffy bone. Awwwwwwww!

A Furry Blissful Christmas to all who visit Bliss, Past, Present and Future!
copyright 2008: Y.E.W. Heuzen