Those of you who visit Bliss regularly, know that I'm very keen on wildflower meadows. And frankly who wouldn't, as they are so incredibly beautiful. You have to be a real sourpuss indeed not to love them. A while ago I wrote a post about wildflower meadows and how Blissfully wonderful they are.
In that post of July 2008 I also demonstrated that anyone can have a gorgeous, bee-magnet wildflower meadow, even if you don't have a big garden or even
a garden.
And today it's time for another revelation: you can have a wildflower meadow in your garden in early Spring. With a bit of luck it will start to flower in February and will continue to do so until May. Which is very fortunate because that's when the other wildflowers (see pics above) will start to burst into bloom.
Yes, yes, I know, you are chomping at the bit to clap your hot widdle eyes on pics of my Spring wildflower meadow. Well, ladies and gents, let me roll out the Magic Spring Carpet for you:
Last Autumn I planted up a part of the lawn, right next to the garden path in front of the big border, with some 1600 bulbs: winter aconites, snowdrops, botanical crocus, several varieties of botanical tulips, frittilarias, bluebells, botanical narcissussusses, grape hyacinths, iris and more. I simply put all the bulbs in a big basket, gave them a good stir, rolled up the grass carpet, bunged the bulbs in the ground and rolled the grass carpet back. Easy!
And then the hard part started; the waiting to see if they would come up.
My Magic Spring Carpet started to unroll at the end of last February when the first crocus popped up. It could have been weeks earlier but we did have a rather nippy Winter. Since then quite a few spring bulbs have reared their pretty widdle heads. At the moment crocus, winter aconites, snowdrops and iris are in flower and soon, perhaps even later today the first botanical tulip will delight us with her pretty pink bloom.
Another star in the Magic Spring Carpet is the humble Daisy. Who would want to be without it? I certainly won't!
And yes, avid Bliss blog reader, I will provide you with regular updates on how my Magic Spring Carpet is progressing in the coming months as this is only the bashful beginning of it. Later on this Magic Spring Carpet will be bold as brass, I hope, and will not hesitate to hit you in the eye with its exuberant display of colour.
copyright 2011 Y.E.W. Heuzen