Once again it's Garden Bloggers Blooms Day in which many garden bloggers all over the world participate by showing on their blogs what's in bloom in their garden. Check out on Carol's blog
May Dreams Gardens the list of all garden bloggers that join in the fun around the 15th of every month.
The Bliss Bloom list is a long one this time, even longer than the one in May. Right, let's get started with the Potager aka the ornamental kitchen garden:

- Sweet William (white, pink, burgundy)
- Cymbalaria muralis
- Lavender (purple)

- Pumpkins (yellow)
- Borage (blue)

- Irises (blue)
- Solanum crispum (white)
- Nasturtiums (yellow, cream, orange, red)

- Poppies (red)
- Campanula (purple)
- Fox Gloves (deep pink)
- Elderberry (white)

- Agapanthus (white)
- Fox Gloves (deep pink)
- Catnip (white)
- Chives (lilac)

- Sweet Peas (pastel)
- Fennel (yellow)
- Bacopa (white)
- Rue (yellow)
- Cosmea (pink)

- strawberries (white)
- Hypericum (yellow)
- Petunia (purple, lilac and pink)
- Wallflowers (lilac)

- Rocket salad (yellow)
- Centranthus ruber (pink)
- Tomatoes (yellow)
- Verbena (pink)

- Lady's Mantle
- Alliums (green) doing the loop-de-loop
The second part of my garden I want to show to you is the White Garden. During June, July and August the front garden is called the White Garden for obvious reasons.
In flower today are:
Bed 1: white Geraniums and Rosa Blanc Double de Coubert
In pots: Bacopa

Bed 2: white Lavender and Rosa Sombreuil

Bed 3: Gillenia trifoliata and Rosa Guirlande D'Amour

Bed 4: white Lavender, white Snapdragons and Rosa Blanc Double de Coubert

In the borders flanking the path to the front door:
- white Gaura
- Rosa Madame Alfred Carriere
- Rosa Guirlande D'Amour
- white Delphiniums

Bed 5 : Rosa Moonlight and white Alliums

Bed 6: white Lavender and Rosa Guirlande D'Amour

On my terrace and in the area around the Suns(h)ed there are a lot of flowers to revel in, many of them in pots, containers and hanging baskets:
- Violets (lilac, pink, purple, blue)
- Lavender (blue)
- Daisies (white and pink)

- Petunias (purple, pink, shocking pink, yellow)
- Verbena (light pink, shocking pink, lilac, white and purple)

- Star Jasmin (white)
- Chocolate Cosmea (brown)
- Pelargoniums (pink and white)
- Salvias (light and dark blue)

- Verbena Hastata (white)
- Agapanthus (blue)
- Lobelia (blue)
- Busy Lizzy (pink)

- Bacopa (white)
- Centranthus (pink)
- Spirea (white)
- Lady's Mantle (yellow)

- Nasturtiums (cream, yellow, orange, red)
- Dahlias (yellow)
- Campanula (blue)
There are many more plants in flower here but the list would get too long. I'm sure you'd rather have some eye candy instead of reading a long list of plant names, most of them in Latin too (boring!).

The last part of the garden to be shown here today: the South Borders that are stuffed to the gills with flowers in June. Where to begin? Well, I won't actually. I'll just give you the eye candy and save you the bother of scrolling down a looooooooooong list of plant names. Enjoy and have a lovely weekend!

The Rose has ways of saying things we much delight to hear;
without a spoken word, she brings and keeps our loved ones near.
Laura S. Beck